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Empty closet with white shelves, How to Organize Your Closet


Is your closet bursting at the seams? Does finding clothes or getting dressed result in wasted time and unnecessary stress?

A cluttered, disorganized closet can turn a simple task into a herculean effort. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

In 10 easy steps, transform your cluttered closet into an organized haven. Save time and energy while maximizing your closet space.

I’ll show you how to effectively organize your closet, one step at a time.


A Step-by-Step Practical Approach to Closet Organization


Step 1: Assess

Before diving into organizing, assess your current closet situation.

Is your closet overflowing? Do you have items in your closet that belong somewhere else? Is everything jumbled, which makes it difficult to find items when you need them?

Write down your main closet dilemma. Then write down your primary closet organization goal.

Post your dilemma and your goal where you can see them (e.g., on your closet door, on your bedroom wall, on your dresser mirror).

Keep your goal (and dilemma) in mind throughout your organizing journey.


Step 2: Prepare

Prepare your workspace.

Clear a space where you can sort through the items in your closet. This may be a corner of the room, a corner of the closet, a table, desk, or dresser, or a small space on your bed. This space is your designated work area.

If you have a tendency for your workspace to expand and spread into areas where it shouldn’t, set boundaries around your work area. For example, mark off your workspace with colorful removable tape or ribbons.

If you don’t have a lot of room to maneuver, or your workspace is small, work in small batches. Remove a few items from your closet at a time, then categorize and sort them as discussed in steps 3 and 4.


Step 3: Categorize

Divide your workspace into three areas: Keep, Donate, and Discard. Label the three areas.

Keep your areas separated.

To make sure you don’t accidentally throw away something you plan to keep, label your bins, bags, or boxes. You can also use different colored tape, markers, bags, or bins to distinguish your keep, donate, and discard piles.

Remove each item from your closet. Decide if you will keep, donate, or discard it. Put the item in the appropriate area of your workspace.


Step 4: Sort and Toss

As you sort through your belongings, be honest with yourself.

Examine each item and ask yourself, “Does this item fit me? Do I need it? Will it better serve someone else? Is it damaged beyond repair?”

Donate or discard anything you no longer wear or no longer need.

Keep: To streamline your organizing efforts, group similar items together (e.g., shirts, pants, dresses, jackets). Within each category, further sort items by color or style. Sorting your items now will make it easier to place similar items together when you put everything back in your closet. It will also make it easier for you to find what you need.

Donate and Discard: Remove these items from your workspace as soon as possible. After you fill a donation box, seal the box and place it near your front door, put it in your car, or immediately take it to a donation center. After you fill a discard bag, put it near your front door or immediately take it outside and put it in the trash bin.

Don’t let your workspace become crowded with items you have already sorted.


Step 5: Fold and Hang

Keep: If you have the space, go ahead and fold your keep items or put them on hangers.

If your space is limited, you may have to temporarily put your items in bins or boxes until you can return them to your closet. Place your neatly folded items in your bins. Label the bins by clothing type, color, or style.

Donate: You don’t have to sort your donations by color or style, but you should fold the items. Folding maximizes space in your bins and it may make the donation center representative’s job easier.


Step 6: Consider Containers

To make the most out of your closet space, consider using clear storage containers, baskets, bins, shoe racks, or hanging organizers. There are many creative ways to organize your belongings.

In addition to maximizing your storage space, clear containers are a good solution for storing out-of-season items, small oddly shaped items, or items that may fall off their hangers or end up on the floor.

If you use containers, measure the space inside your closet to make sure the containers will fit.


Step 7: Focus on Function

When your closet is empty, take a look inside and focus on function. Decide where you want each item to go.

Draw a sketch of your closet and label the sketch with the future locations of your belongings. Include the locations and dimensions of storage containers in your drawing.

Place the type and style of clothes you wear often near the front of the closet. Place anything you rarely wear or use near the back of the closet or on an out-of-the-way shelf.

Group clothes and shoes by type or function (e.g., athletic, work, formal wear). Group items that are reserved for special occasions. Group items that you really want to throw away, but don’t have the heart to discard yet.


Step 8: Stare and Compare

Compare the keep items in your workspace to your carefully labeled closet sketch. Will the items you plan to keep fit in your closet?

If no, reassess and resort your keep pile. Can you donate or discard additional items? Are there items in your keep pile that do not belong in the closet?

Not every item needs to be hung, nor does it have to be stored in your closet. Consider finding alternative locations for your additional keep items. For example, fold them instead of hanging them. Place them in storage containers. Place them in a dresser drawer.

Now that you’ve stared, compared, and reassessed, will everything fit in your closet?

If yes, you are ready for step 9.


Step 9: Reassemble

You have a plan sketched out, and it is time to put things back in your closet.

As you reassemble your closet, refer to your diagram.

Group items by type and function. To make wardrobe and outfit selection easier, further group items by color.

Arranging your items by color has two benefits – it makes things easier to find and it creates a colorful, appealing space.

Hang clothes that wrinkle easily. If possible, use hangers or organizers that are appropriate for each type of item (e.g., non-slip hanger, pant hanger, notched hanger, tie rack, purse hanger, handbag organizer, shoe rack).

Place neatly folded items on shelves, in drawers, or in storage containers. Folding items maximizes space.

After you reassemble your closet, check your workspace to make sure you didn’t miss any items. Is everything accounted for and back in the closet? Good. Tidy up your workspace and give yourself a round of applause.

Congratulations! Take a step back and admire your neatly arranged closet. Send pictures to your family and friends.


Step 10: Maintain

No organizing effort is complete without this last important step – maintain good order.

Make a habit of maintaining your organized closet.

Frequently donate or discard anything that no longer serves you. Return misplaced items to their designated spaces. Fold or hang untidy items. Establish a system for managing dirty laundry (e.g., use a hamper or laundry bag; set up a designated area in your laundry room).

Set aside a few minutes each month, or half an hour every three months, to assess your closet space. If you update your wardrobe frequently, set aside more time or conduct maintenance more regularly. Set a maintenance schedule that works for you and your lifestyle.

Keep your closet neat and clutter-free with regular maintenance.


Organizing your closet doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With a systematic approach, dedication, and ten easy steps, you can transform your closet into an organized, functional space.

Assess. Categorize. Sort. Maintain. Repeat.

Organize your closet. Organize your life.

Strive to create a harmonious space with less clutter, less stress, and more room to breathe.


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