Tywanquila Walker
I am a professional organizer, researcher, and spreadsheet enthusiast. Inspiration for Order Your Life began in 2014 as I prepared to move from New York to Texas. My passion for creating lists and spreadsheets took over, and I soon amassed a collection of useful DIY documents. I showed my creations to family and friends. Their optimism and enthusiasm encouraged me to share my ideas with others, and make even more lists and spreadsheets. Thus, Order Your Life was born. My mission? To find order in chaos.
By the way, if you’re curious...
I am a graduate of the Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science. I have a bachelor’s from Vanderbilt University and a Ph.D. from Cornell University. I have worked in academia, government, and as a freelance editor. I am known for my ability to organize almost anything (and happily make a spreadsheet for it).

Dr. Tywanquila Walker
CEO & Founder of Order Your Life