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7 Tips to Organize Your Living Room in Just 10 Minutes a Day


Are your ready to turn your living room into a showroom?  Or, at the very least, do you want to create a clutter-free space of which you can be proud?

Read my seven tips to get your living room in tiptop shape.  The steps are easy to follow.  Plus, you only need 10 minutes a day.

7 Steps and 10 Minutes to a Clutter-free Space


1. Use a Timer

Set aside 10 minutes a day to clean and organize your living room.  Set your timer for exactly 10 minutes.  When the timer goes off, stop.  You’re done.  You can begin again tomorrow.


2. Get Everyone Involved

Turn your 10-minute cleanup into a family gathering.  Get everyone involved.  Make it a party by adding music.

Let all who dwell in your home join in the fun.  Let’s be honest, you probably didn’t make a mess all by yourself.  It’s only fair that you share the joy of cleaning.

Young children can put away their toys while older children sweep or vacuum.  Give everyone a job that can be done in 10 minutes or less.  Stay upbeat and everyone will feel accomplished when the timer goes off.


3. Go Silent

Turn off the television and put away all electronic devices.  If you are using the timer on your device, put your device in do not disturb or airplane mode.

With the exception of some good music, go silent.  Focus all of your attention on the task at hand.

After you’ve organized for 10 minutes, feel free to pick up your phone and post pictures of your accomplishments.


4. Divide and Conquer

Divide big tasks into smaller tasks.  Pace yourself.  Do a little every day.

How long did it take your living room to get in the state it’s in?  Did it take more than 10 minutes?  Probably.

It’s unlikely you’ll get everything done in 10 minutes.  No worries.  Congratulate yourself for 10 minutes of hard work.  High five!  You’ll be back tomorrow.


5. End the Day with a Win

Clean and organize your living room at the end of the day.  Do you relax in your living room before going to bed?  Give it a quick cleaning before heading off to dream land.

Go to bed feeling like a winner.  You set a goal and you accomplished it.  Congratulations!


6. Love What You See

Only display the things you love.  Put the I-might-need-this-laters and the so-in-so-gave-me-this-so-I-have-to-keep-it-out-even-if-I-don’t-want-tos somewhere else.

Consider donating items you don’t love.  Give them away to a friend who really wants them or needs them.  If you can’t part with an item now, store it away for six months.  If you still don’t love it in six months (or you haven’t used it), get rid of it.

Every item deserves a good home.  Only keep the items you love.


7. Keep It Simple

Keep your cleaning and organizing routine simple.  Complete small tasks.  Stop when the timer stops.  Congratulate everyone for their efforts.

If you clean your living room for 10 minutes every day, you will complete 1 hour and 10 minutes of effortless cleaning each week.  That’s 3650 minutes a year, or 60 hours and 50 minutes.  Not bad for 10 minutes a day!  Well done!


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